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Zirconia Crown & E-Max Crown in Tirana,Albania.

In Albania, Zirconia and E-Max crowns are recommended for individuals with damaged or misshapen teeth. These crowns are known for their durability and biocompatibility, providing reliable and long-lasting solutions. Zirconia crowns offer strength and a natural appearance, while E-Max crowns are recognized for their robustness and translucency, seamlessly blending with surrounding teeth. Both options prioritize biocompatibility, ensuring compatibility with the oral environment. Overall, these crowns serve as effective choices for individuals seeking sturdy and aesthetically pleasing dental solutions in Albania.

Advantages of Zirconia Crown

When considering the materials used for dental crowns, there are several options, with ceramic and metal being commonly used. In Albania, another available option is zirconia crowns, crafted from zirconium dioxide, a durable ceramic material.

Benefits of Zirconia Crowns:

  1. Strength:

   Zirconia crowns offer notable strength, particularly suitable for crowns placed in the posterior region of the mouth where durability is crucial.

  1. Longevity:

   Research indicates that zirconia crowns demonstrate comparable longevity to metal-based crowns, showing resilience over a five-year period.

  1. Biocompatibility:

   Zirconia is highly biocompatible, reducing the likelihood of the body reacting adversely and causing issues like inflammation.

  1. Same-Day Procedure:

   In many cases, zirconia crowns can be manufactured without the need for impressions. The crowns can be securely attached in a single visit, providing a same-day solution.

Disadvantages of Zirconia Crown

When considering the materials used for dental crowns, there are several options, with ceramic and metal being commonly used. In Albania, another available option is zirconia crowns, crafted from zirconium dioxide, a durable ceramic material.

Benefits of Zirconia Crowns:

  1. Strength:

   Zirconia crowns offer notable strength, particularly suitable for crowns placed in the posterior region of the mouth where durability is crucial.

  1. Longevity:

   Research indicates that zirconia crowns demonstrate comparable longevity to metal-based crowns, showing resilience over a five-year period.

  1. Biocompatibility:

   Zirconia is highly biocompatible, reducing the likelihood of the body reacting adversely and causing issues like inflammation.

  1. Same-Day Procedure:

   In many cases, zirconia crowns can be manufactured without the need for impressions. The crowns can be securely attached in a single visit, providing a same-day solution.

Zirconia Crown infused with porcelain

To address the challenge of matching zirconia crowns to natural teeth due to the material’s opacity, dentists commonly employ the strategy of layering porcelain on top of zirconia during the crown-making process.

The addition of a porcelain layer serves a dual purpose:

  1. Enhancing Aesthetics:

   The layer of porcelain contributes to a more natural-looking appearance, facilitating a better match with the color and translucency of the surrounding natural teeth.

  1. Potential Risks:

   It’s important to note that studies indicate a potential downside. The presence of porcelain on zirconia crowns may increase the risk of slicing or delamination, where the layers of the crown separate. This is a factor that should be taken into consideration during the decision-making process.

Procedure of Zirconia Crown installation

There are two primary procedures for dental crown installation. The first involves the preparation of the tooth and the placement of a temporary crown during the initial visit, followed by the cementation of the permanent crown during the second visit.

Alternatively, there is the same-day procedure, which is only feasible for clinics equipped with the necessary technology, such as ours. Here are the details for both procedures:

Two-Visit Procedure:

  1. X-rays of your mouth are taken.
  2. The outer layer of the tooth is removed.
  3. Impression of your tooth is made.
  4. Temporary crown is installed.
  5. Crown is made from impressions.
  6. The crown is cemented onto the tooth.

Same-Day Installation:

  1. Examination of your mouth.
  2. Digital pictures are taken.
  3. Tooth is prepared for the procedure.
  4. Local anesthetic is administered.
  5. A digital scan is used to create a crown in the office.
  6. The crown is cemented into place.
Type of Zirconia Crowns

There are different types of zirconia crowns used in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, each serving specific purposes:

Monolithic Zirconium Crowns:

– This dental ceramic contains zirconium oxide, providing exceptional strength and resistance.

– Virtually unbreakable, resistant to chips, breaks, and stains.

– Can be color-matched to natural teeth but is often preferred for the back of the mouth due to its opacity.

– Created through CAD/CAM milling from digital files, typically by large production laboratories.


Layered Zirconium Crowns:

– Composed of layered lithium disilicate ceramic on top of the coping.

– Known for realistic translucence, making them suitable for the front of the mouth.

– Bulky bodies overlap with paper-thin layers of fragile porcelain, and the strength depends on the ceramist’s fabrication technique.


These variations allow for flexibility in addressing specific dental issues and aesthetic preferences.

Are you the right candidate for Zirconia Crown

Choosing the right type of zirconia crown for your dental needs involves considering various factors:

  1. Position in the Mouth:
  2.  Monolithic zirconium crowns are often preferred for the back of the mouth due to their strength and durability.

   – Layered zirconium crowns, with their realistic translucence, may be suitable for the front of the mouth where aesthetics are more crucial.

  1. Condition:

   – The specific dental issue, such as a cracked or broken tooth, may influence the choice between monolithic and layered zirconia crowns.

  1. Lifestyle:

   – Consider your daily activities and habits; for instance, if you grind your teeth, the durability of the crown becomes crucial.

  1. Budget:

   – Monolithic zirconia crowns might be more cost-effective, while layered ones, with additional aesthetic features, could be pricier.

  1. Material Preferences:

   – Your preference for opacity or translucence, as well as the overall appearance you desire, plays a role in the selection.

A comprehensive discussion with your dentist, taking these factors into account, will help determine the most suitable type of zirconia crown for your individual needs.

Difference between Zirconium Crown vs. E-Max Crown

In comparison to E-Max (Lithium Disilicate), zirconia crowns offer distinct advantages:

  1. Strength and Durability:

   – Zirconia crowns are known for being more solid, stronger, and having greater longevity compared to E-Max crowns.

  1. Maintaining Anatomical Shape:

   – Zirconia maintains its anatomical shape effectively, providing stability and functionality.

  1. Conservation of Natural Teeth:

   – When preparing a zirconia crown, dentists can preserve more of the patient’s natural teeth due to the strength and thinness of zirconia.

  1. Ease of Process:

   – The strong and thin nature of zirconia makes the crown preparation process easier for both dentists and patients.


However, it’s essential to note that zirconia has a limitation in terms of translucence:

  1. Translucence:

   – Zirconia lacks translucence, which means it may not achieve the same level of natural appearance as E-Max. E-Max is designed for maximum aesthetics and cosmetic purposes, particularly for front teeth, providing a more natural look.

Ultimately, the choice between zirconia and E-Max depends on individual preferences, the specific dental case, and the desired outcome in terms of both strength and aesthetics.


Zirconia and E-Max crowns, being relatively new in the field of dentistry compared to other types, have limited long-term studies regarding their longevity. While it is suggested that their lifespan is approximately 20 years, it’s crucial to emphasize that the actual longevity can vary based on individual factors, particularly the patient’s oral and overall health. Regular dental care, good oral hygiene practices, and overall health maintenance contribute significantly to the extended lifespan of these crowns.

What are E-Max crowns made of?

In the present era, advancements in technology have extended the lifespan of dental crowns to last up to a decade or even longer. When choosing a crown with such durability, careful consideration becomes essential to ensure it meets your needs and enhances your smile.


E-Max crowns, crafted from a ceramic material renowned for its exceptional durability, surpass traditional porcelain crowns in longevity. While traditional porcelain crowns mimic natural teeth, E-Max crowns offer extended lifespan and a reduced risk of cracking or breaking. With proper care and attention, E-Max crowns can potentially last for decades or even a lifetime. Their slightly translucent material contributes to a more natural appearance, and they can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Essentially, E-Max crowns provide a natural-looking and long-lasting solution that is virtually indistinguishable from real teeth, even upon close inspection.

Advantages of E-Max crowns

E-Max crowns offer several advantages that make them an ideal choice among their competitors:

  1. Natural-looking: The partial translucence of E-Max crowns provides a natural appearance, especially suitable for front teeth, as they mimic the aesthetics of natural teeth.
  2. Durability: Unlike porcelain fused to metal crowns, E-Max crowns lack metal underneath the ceramic, ensuring a more natural look and higher durability. They resist wear and tear for an extended period.
  3. Perfect shape: E-Max crowns can be precisely fabricated through CAD-CAM milling, ensuring a perfect shape and size that closely matches the patient’s natural teeth.
  4. Conservation of natural tooth structure: E-Max crowns, resistant to cracking, contribute to preserving a significant portion of the natural tooth structure, promoting better oral health.
  5. Multiple options: The E-Max system offers various options, including veneers, inlays, onlays, overlays, and short-span bridges, providing versatility in dental restoration
Disadvantages E-Max crowns

While E-Max crowns have notable advantages, there are some drawbacks to consider before deciding on them:

  1. High prices: The aesthetic and durable qualities of E-Max crowns come with a higher cost.
  2. Not suitable for posterior teeth: Rare fractures may occur when fitting E-Max crowns on biting surfaces due to their thinness. They are more appropriate for front teeth where hard biting is less common. The crown’s strength is influenced by its thickness.
  3. Not suitable for dark teeth: E-Max crowns, being more translucent, may not be the best choice if your natural teeth have a darker color.
  4. Suitable for small bridges only: E-Max crowns are designed for individual teeth and may not withstand forces when used for replacing multiple teeth.
E-Max crown fitting procedure

The entire procedure is contingent on the severity of your tooth’s condition. However, the typical steps include:

  1. Examination and teeth cleansing.
  2. Reshaping the teeth: Using a small drill to ensure the crown fits onto them.
  3. Removing a part of the tooth: This step varies based on the extent of damage or staining.
  4. Taking a digital impression: Using a mold filled with dental putty to create a digital impression of your teeth.
  5. Temporary crown: Worn for two to three weeks until the new crown is ready.
How are E-Max crowns prepared?

The preparation of E-Max crowns can take place either in a dental lab or within the dental office. Opting for a same-day crown, your dentist can efficiently complete E-Max crowns right in the office, following these steps:

  1. Tooth preparation: A thin layer of the natural tooth is removed.
  2. Digital impression: Your teeth are digitally captured using an intraoral camera.
  3. Impression transmission: The digital impression is sent to the computer controlling the milling process.
  4. Matching shade: The shade of the crown is matched with the natural teeth.
  5. Prosthesis shaping: The shape of the prosthesis is produced with the milling machine.
  6. Fitting the crown: The crown is fitted onto your tooth, with adjustments made if necessary.

This entire process can be completed in a single appointment, typically lasting one to two hours. There’s no need for a waiting period for the permanent crown, multiple appointments, or a temporary crown.

How strong are E-Max crowns and their longevity?

When considering materials for dental crowns, strength becomes a critical factor. E-Max crowns stand out by offering exceptional durability, with a lifespan of ten years or more.

Crafted from robust lithium disilicate material, E-Max crowns lack joints in their construction, allowing them to support maximum strength. The risk of chipping or breaking this type of crown is extremely low, approaching zero. In comparison to other crown materials, E-Max exhibits significantly higher compression strength.

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